Tik Tok for PC(70.1MB) - ANDROLIKE

Tik Tok for PC(70.1MB)

    Download Tik Tok for PCTik Tok
  •  is a newcomer in the area of social networks, managing in a short period of time to attract over one billion downloads on mobile platforms. After such tremendous rise in popularity, many users around the world expressed the wish to access this social network from their Windows desktop and laptop PCs in order to connect to their friends and see the new musical and video creations created by likeminded people. Now, you can do it.

    The core functionality of Tik Tok social network is based on creating and sharing user-made music videos and lip-sync videos that are limited to 3-15 seconds in length, and looping videos that are limited to a maximum of 60 seconds. To promote creativity and inventiveness, TikTop application is choke-full of streamlined video editing tools that make the creation of fun material easy and fast. The app actually has direct access to a wide array of music songs, enabling users to easily create their lip-sync recreations and brand new short homemade music videos with ease.

    Windows app is focused more on the discovery of new content and keeping in touch with friends than enabling PC users to create new fun videos using their webcams. The tools are actually all there, but the performance and usability of those tools are not great on a PC platform. Because of that, TikTok on PC can best be used as a home companion to the portable apps that you have on your smartphone.

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